Proud to be working with the GARDEN ARMY
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We work with corporate partners to provide memorable away days and experiences that add value to the work that you and your teams do. In 2022 we know that getting away together will be hard but we’re looking forward to welcoming small groups onto the farm as the UK re-opens.
There are many options available for you and your business and we’d love go discuss these with you. By doing so you will also be providing meaningful support to our Garden Army initiative.
fund tools & facilities
Buy tools and facilities that create a community farm that is a central hub for locals who want to visit, get in to nature, get active,and creative and have a break from working life. A space for people who want to learn about growing food in a sustainable way.
Build facilities that will allow not only the farm team to be more productive but will also give volunteers and corporate teams the space to meet and run workshops and interactive days for the community, a space for schools, colleges and disability groups to visit and learn too.
Create a dedicated community garden where all food grown will be sold to top chefs and used at local events and veg box deliveries in the local community. Intern helping us fund more community projects in West Sussex as we Grow.
enable full circle farming
We aim to create a nature haven on the farm to increase the ecosystem, we will building an on site pond and plant orchards and mixed hedge rows to both increases habitats for wildlife and feed the chefs and local community. (This pond will be a collection pound for all the excess water from buildings and the site itself. )
This will then help irrigate the farm, preventing us from needing to use water from the mains to water the vegetable gardens - which is much more environmentally sustainable.)